Live cameras: Belgium


Many monuments of the middle age, castles, beautiful hotels, elegant kitchen and high quality of life are present here. Not so many tourists visiting Belgium. This happens only when the tourists making trip by Benilux (Belgium-Netherlands-Luxembourg trip). Taking all the facts together – Belgium is a prosperous European country.

Belgium is the capital of the high quality chocolate, and also known for a strong beer. Tourists coming here to buy brilliants because of their wide selection. Oostende is a perfect resort city which can brag with luxury hotels and beaches.

Many tourists can find something interesting for themselves to see. The first step of trip preparation should be the Insecam project that allows you to observe the status of the country you want to visit! Belgium is provided with Sony, NetCam, Panasonic and Axis public cameras. Observation is free of charge 24/7 and you don’t even need to create the account. Find out how do the Belgium people live, what do they do with this project!

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