Live cameras: Malaysia


Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. West Malaysia includes the southern part of the Malay Peninsula, East Malaysia consists of the member states of Sarawak and Sabah, which occupy the north of the island of Borneo. About 60% of the area of Malaysia is mountainous, vast swampy and river plains cover most of the country. Malaysia is located in a tropical climate. It is determined by moist warm air masses all year round. The winter northeast monsoon especially affects the northeast of the Malay Peninsula. The amount of precipitation in the mountains reaches 6000 mm per year. Tropical forests cover about 60% of the country's area.

The population of Malays is about 60%, the Chinese are the largest minority in the country - 30%. About 80% of Malaysia's population lives in the western part of the country, almost 40% of the state's territory. Malaysia is one of the fastest growing countries in Asia. Approximately 35% of the agricultural area is mainly grown rubber, palm oil and pepper for export, as well as coconut palms, cocoa and pineapples.

Their own food needs must be met by importing rice. Important mineral resources are tin ore, oil and natural gas. Tourism is becoming increasingly important.

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