Онлайн камера Шаффхаузен, Швейцария
Schaffhausen is a city in Switzerland, the capital of the canton of Schaffhausen, on the Rhine river.
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The population is 33 431 people (as of December 31, 2006). The official code is 2939.
The settlement is located near the river, that is, on an ancient transport artery. The ability to use the water power of the Rhine has long made the settlement a significant commercial and industrial center of the area. At the beginning of the historical period, the territory was inhabited by the Helvetians. Later, during the conquest of the region by the Romans, the land became part of Gaul, then it was part of the province of Maxima Sequan (lat. Maxima Sequanorum), and during the migration of peoples it was conquered by the Alemans and completely Germanized. In the 5th century, the territory became part of the Frankish kingdom. Christianity in these lands spread in the 6th-7th centuries.