Live cameras: Syria


The Syrian Arab Republic is located in the Middle East and covers an area of 185,180 km2 about half the size of Germany. The country borders Israel, Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea in the west, Turkey in the north, Iraq in the east, and Jordan in the south.

The coastal strip of the Mediterranean Sea has a width of up to 30 km and passes to the east into a plateau consisting mainly of rocky desert and desert steppes. From northwest to southeast, the Euphrates passes through a plateau with a length of about 670 km. In the south-east of the country is the Syrian desert, which continues in the neighboring countries of Iraq and Jordan. The south is characterized by volcanoes and lava fields, to the west are adjacent mountains (Antilibanon and Hermon), whose height reaches 2,800 m. In the southwest of Syria is the Basalt Plateau of the Golan Heights, the territory occupied by Israel (1,295 km2). 

The capital Damascus is located in the southwest of the country.

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